Earth Cylinder Tall Floor Planters- Burnished



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Earth Cylinder Tall Floor planters are lightweight, responsibly made eco-fiberglass planters that come in a variety of sizes and finishes. Available to hold 10″ to 14″ nursery grow pots. Green up your space by combining Earth Cylinders and Earth Tall Cylinders planters to create stunning displays.

Earth Cylinder Tall Floor Planters Sizing Chart

ECYLT-1324 13.5″D x 24″H for 10″ Grow Pot
ECYLT-1336 13.5″D x 36″H for 10″ Grow Pot
ECYLT-1732 16.6″D x 32″H for 14″ Grow Pot
ECYLT-1748 16.6″S x 48″H for 14″ Grow Pot