Phoenix Cylinder – Gloss



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You will love these colorful durable planters! Feel great adding this recycled, colorful planter to any interior! Sizes from 8” to 30” and over 30 finishes. Great looking planters at even better prices! These modern style planters are great additions to any office space or home. Phoenix indoor planters are available in five shapes; round, tall round, square, tall square & rectangle.You will love these colorful durable planters! Feel great adding this recycled, colorful planter to any interior! Sizes from 8” to 30” and over 30 finishes. Great looking planters at even better prices! These modern style planters are great additions to any office space or home. Phoenix indoor planters are available in five shapes; round, tall round, square, tall square & rectangle.

Phoenix Planters are made from 80% recycled material. Available in 8″ to 30″ sizes which hold 6″ to 24″ grow pots.

Phoenix Cylinder Sizing Chart

PHC-0807 8″W x 6.8″H x 5.5″ Base for 6″ Grow Pot
PHC-1110 11.2″W x 9.5″H x 7.7” Base for 8″ Grow Pot
PHC-1311 13″W x 11″H x 8.9″ Base for 10″ Grow Pot
PHC-1513 15″W x 13″H x 10″ Base for 12″ Grow Pot
PHC-1815 17.8″W x 15″H x 12.2″ Base for 14″ Grow Pot
PHC-2118 21.2″W x 18″H x 14.6″ Base for 17″ Grow Pot
PHC-2622* 25.5″W x 22.3″H x 18.4″ Base for 21″ Grow Pot
PHC-3026* 29.5″W x 25.8″H x 21.3″ Base for 24″ Grow Pot
*Additional shipping charges apply. Shipped via common carrier.